To request a refund, simply contact us with your membership details within Thirty (30) days of your registration. Optionally tell us reasons for refund - we take customer feedback very seriously and use it to constantly improve our valued services.

We understand that even after trying our online accounting software For a few weeks that it might not fit your accounting requirements. We Will Refund Your Money In a prompt and courteous manner.

This Policy Is Not Applicable To Any Member, Who Violates The Financial Power Privacy Policy.


We stand by the quality of services we offer and bring to the table as a value added proposition for your business. If however, in the remote chance that you wish to reconsider your association with us, we will take the experience as an opportunity to learn and gladly work out modalities of settling the account with a refund.

Contact us within 30 days of registration giving details of membership and submit refund form with your valuable feedback. We will immediately refund your money and settle your accounts.

Contact us within 30 days of registration giving details of membership and submit refund form with your valuable feedback. We will immediately refund your money and settle your accounts.